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How do Hero Elements work?

The Hero platform

The Hero Health platform is a web-based portal made available to GP practices utilising the Hero product. Within the portal, practices can carry out Hero's core functionality including:

  • Managing user access
  • Appointment booking
  • Patient messaging
  • Managing integrations - for example with EMIS or TPP
Data Processing Agreement

Practices using Hero do so under Hero's Data Processing Agreement, viewable on our website and accepted as part of our onboarding process.

Hero platform integration with EMIS or TPP

Hero is integrated with EMIS Web and TPP. The integrations are under the IM1 program for GP providers in England, and we are part of EMIS' Partner Program for both providers outside of England and providers in England using EMIS Clinical Services or EMIS Community.

Health providers using EMIS or System One can connect their electronic health record instance to the Hero platform via API - this is normally done as part of onboarding to Hero. Whilst delivering the Hero platform's services (appointment booking, patient messaging etc.), Hero will read and write to any connected electronic health record via API.

Hero Elements

Elements are packaged components of Hero's core functionality that can be embedded into third-party products. Elements continue to utilise Hero's servers and are in essence portable embeddable versions of the functionality available in the main Hero application. Information can be passed into the Elements from your application - for example patient identifiers - to contextualise the Element upon loading.

Elements retain the relationship that the core Hero application has with the electronic health record. So, for example, you can embed Hero's appointment booking Element in your application, and then load this on a click to allow your users to make a booking on behalf of a patient back into EMIS.

Yeah, but get technical with me - how do they work?