Send a message

As part of Hero’s messaging functionality, through the application interface, you can create and send messages to patients via SMS or Email. Our Partner program makes our messaging functionality available to interoperability partners via an SDK, or directly through our APIs.

What is a patient message?

Through Hero’s interface, providers can send individual patients messages by email or SMS. These messages can include patient-specific questionnaire links, self-booking links, 2-way reply links and attachment links.

By using Hero’s patient messaging infrastructure, you’ll be able to leverage our gateway integrations with multiple SMS and Email providers. Assuming they have Hero licenses, end users will also be able to use Hero’s interface to track activity completely through the API.

What is the individual messaging SDK?

The Hero messaging SDK allows you to embed Hero’s message builder within your product. The message builder is the same message builder used within the Hero product, and contains all the functionality made available to users within the Hero product. You can pass context into the SDK, so that it can be loaded for a named patient, and selected data is made available once a message has been sent.

How else can I add Hero’s patient messaging to my application?

Should you prefer to have full control over implementing messaging, you can build off the Hero APIs used for the message builder. These will let you send a patient message, but also generate and insert self-booking links, questionnaire links, and 2-way reply links. You can also pass through a SNOMED code with your message.

Note: For security reasons, you cannot generate attachment links via the API.